You chose... Box 1


You got curious and you started to look through the random boxes but before you can look at what you grab the wave struck and you went face first into the box you were just holding, but when you hit the box your body splash onto it like if you were made of water. Then you fuse with the box and pass out. When you came to you know found your self in some ones car and then in some ones house/room. That's when you felt/watch this young woman set you up. To your Horror you had become a Stripper pole. At least the young woman has a mirror and you got to see the box you were fuse with. It read " Spinning Light Dance Pole Kit" You had become a Stripper pole with lights. But before you can panic more the young woman grabs onto you and starts to practice. As this happen you felt everything she felt. 

2 weeks later You just wait patiently for your Mistress return and begin to practice on you  again.



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