You chose... Cute Black Shoulderless


You quickly scan the are and find a cute $80 shoulderless top. You manage to get into it over your clothes; you are practically tearing the dress in some spots while it's loose in others. Then the wave hits you start to feel sweaty; all of your body hair is falling off. The hair on your head however is turning from coal black to a light brown, and going down to your upper back. Your face starts to reconstruct making it look delicate, then a bit of blush and lip gloss is applied. Your shoulders start shrinking making the top of the dress fit, while this is happening your arms lose their weight and your hands become smaller with white painted nails. After that you feel your chest and nipples swelling, you expect it to burst out, but it doesn't. You have small breasts being held up by your undershirt which is now a B 18 cup bra. Your stomach loses its mass and your 6 pack turns into a very soft 4 pack. Your thighs shrink giving you nice thighs for the size of your body, your butt grows out a bit too. Your penis retracts into your groin and leaves a vagina. Your boxers morph into panties that match the bra you're wearing. You feel booty shorts grow from your shorts that you couldn't take off in time. Now your calves and feet are slimming down. Your shoes and socks turn into nice boots and some shin high socks. Your insides are rearranging and changing you have ovaries that are pumping estrogen through your body, making you think like the 17 year old girl you are now. You still have all of your past memories but their isn't anything you can do to go back. You then rush around helping others who are still changing. Your personality is now a popular cute 17 year old girl, you're extroverted, like to game, An A and B student(Your intelligence went back to a high schooler's).



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