You chose... Petite Pastel Dress


Going into a dressing-room, you wear the small pink dress before the wave hits. Though it looks like it's going to rip in your bulky stature, it soon repaired any damage as the wave hit.

You begun shortening until you were 5' 2" and fit the dress perfectly. Your hair turned dark brown and grew long behind your back. Your face cracked and shifted into a cute, petite Asian girl's. Your eyes grew larger and you developed cutesy mannerisms. Heart shaped earrings formed on your ear, and your satchel bag became a small black teddy-bear purse.

You felt your grasp of the English language slipping, as you began trying to say things in english only coming out in. "I- I- w- watash-", you pause, realizing your change in language,"I- am- a- -o -o-otokonokodesu. Watashi wa on'nanokodesu", grr... Anata no kangae wa mohaya eigode wa arimasen.

Your mind changed to be that of a pretty little Asian girl, Ren, and now you can't think of ever going back to some depressing boy's life. On the inside, you feel like you need to get back, so you express this concealed emotion through flirts with cute boys. Most don't know what your saying, but you try all you can!

Understanding other people is going to be really hard now. So you better work that Asian brain, and get to learning a new language.

What happens next?:

- 1 year passes



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