You chose...Pick up a Lego box


You recall how much you loved Legos as a kid and was surprise that they still make Lego Star Wars and Lego Batman but Sadly your favorite Lego aka Lego Bionicle is gone. But as you were looking at the Lego Star Wars thinking it wouldn't harm you if you bought a set just for old time sakes. Then a bright light appear and then you felt your whole body stiffen. You could no longer move or speak and you can do is see and hear. You look and see your holding some kind of blaster and your now wearing some kind of white armor. It wasn't till a young ran up to you and yelled out to his mother.. "Mommy look at this Lego Captain Rex Statue! It AWESOME!!!! Take my picture next to it!" After the kid and his mother took there photo and left. You now knew that you became a Lego statue with in a toy store. The only question is? Is how long will you remain solid?



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